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Reema Malhotra to receive AspKom Eixil Award on International Women Day

Reema Malhotra, social entrepreneur with over 20 years of chronicles for her contribution towards society as a social worker and director projects at Love Care Foundation selected for AspKom Eixil Awards for Women Influencer and Achiever 2021, on International Women Day. With the innovative ideas and holistic approach, Ms. Reema has been instrumental in embarking various projects and social innovations.

Reema Malhotra: Managing Trustee at THE ONE FRIEND (NGO)

Ms. Reema Malhotra penetrates on integrating activities of the mainstream schools with the underprivileged BPL children. She opinionates in evoking a positive change in their lives under the whole program and help them evolve as more confident human beings. She has the caliber and efficacy to be the driving force in the swing and progression of individuals and their communities.

She is articulate and honored by her associates and peers for her creativity. She is known for attaining results under subtle and crucial working conditions. She is effectual for futuristic decision-making capacity and a good sense of judgment, essential for a leader at the helm of affairs.

AspKom Eixil Women Influencer and Achiever Awardee 2021 (Reema Malhotra)

Reema has done a Post-graduation from Punjab University and B.Ed from Jammu University. Her zeal to add value to the lives of those who need it most has been indispensable for our team and our children. (you can add the awards that you have received also, that you have engaged with other non-profits working for the marginalized and climate change) She is also Managing Trustee, THE ONE FRIEND (NGO).