Sattu Drink – Ancient Indian Healthy Summer Beverage

Sattu Drink – Ancient Indian Healthy Summer Beverage

Do you know the Sattu the health drink is used from ancient time in India to keep us hydrated and have with lots of health benefits. In due course of time we have adopted many type of unhealthy food habits which are in category of convenience and vigorously used those on daily basic.

Our own traditional health drink which was used overtime lost its lust and even now many people are not even aware of the benefit and taste of the same.

This instant homemade health drink is our own Sattu. From ancient time we are used it with lot of variations based on the reason for addition in our diet. Even people prefer to have it with salt or sweet depending on individual taste.

Warm air, bright sunlight, sharp and blazing heat- summers are here! As the temperature rises, we often opt for popular coolers like ice-creams, shakes, bottled lemonade, and packaged thirst-quenchers but they are loaded with sugar and preservatives which do harm tohealth. These sugary and processed items look appealing and taste delicious and we often chose them over any traditional cooling staples. One of the many healthy options for thirst-quenchers is sattu, which is prepared by roasting and grounding black chana with jau or wheat.

Along with excellent cooling qualities, it is enriched with great nutrients like protein, fibres, carbs, iron, calcium and plenty of other vitamins and minerals. It is a great remedy to heat and can be consumed in numerous ways- one of the laid-back and popular ways to consume it is in the form of ‘sherbet’ and other one now is becoming famous salted version wherein sattu is mixed with black salt, roasted cumin, black pepper, mint and lemon . Sattu sherbet is extremely nutritious and satisfying. This underrated natural protein drink has been a summertime favorite for a long time. Be it kids or adults the traditional sattu sherbet can be adored by all owing to its distinctive aroma and flavor.

Health Benefits of Sattu as Summer Beverage

  • Natural Summer Drink, It is a calming and satisfying drink to quench thirst in summer. Its also helps to keep hydrated and cool in summer
  • Boosts your energy, Great energy drink for weakness as it is a good source of iron, magnesium, protein and fibers
  • Great for digestion, It has a high amount of insoluble fiber, and thus great for the intestine and is the best juice for digestion
  • Regulate Blood Sugar, Sattu can be easily incorporated in diet by diabetics as it is low in the glycemic index and its high fiber content keeps a check on the sugar levels. It also helps in maintaining cholesterol level
  • Sattu Health Benefits, a Protein-Rich Drink which is inexpensive and great for overall health
  • Even in Sattu salted versions we can add moringa leaves or curry leaves which will make it a still better drink as it will taste better and give the benefit of superfoods too

In fact we might have heard of Sattu and its Health Benefits from our grandparents or great grandparents and they sometimes refer to it as “Indigenous Horlicks” due to associated health benefits and its easy to incorporate in diet.